피클웹 블로그

The FWA, Favourite Website Awards!

8 개월 전 1,450

플래시로 제작된 웹사이트 중 우수한 사이트를 소개해주는 해외 서비스입니다. 2000년 5월 영국에서 설립된 이래, 디지털 분야의 디자인 및 개발 성과에 있어서 탁월한 프로젝트를 자체적으로 선정해 왔습니다.



FWA - showcasing innovation every day since 2000. FWA's mission is to showcase cutting edge creativity, regardless of the medium or technology used.

Established in May 2000, in the UK by Rob Ford
FWA is where you go to experience cutting-edge innovation in digital design and development. It’s a space that encourages the digital industry to push the boundaries of technology, to show people what is possible.
FWA has received over 240 million visitors, and has bestowed over 8,000 awards since its creation.
FWA has had its iconic yellow award ribbon displayed on the websites of 34% of the world’s top 100 brands, including: adidas; Audi; Coca Cola; Disney; Google; Honda; HP; IBM; L’Oreal; Microsoft; Nike; Porsche; Samsung; Toyota; VW

FWA의 설립자이자 운영자인 Rob Ford가 1990년부터 지금까지의 웹 디자인의 역사를 정리한 책을 출판했습니다. 제목은 "Web Design. The Evolution of the Digital World 1990-Today" 입니다.



Since its debut in 1990, the internet has seen over a billion web pages - but it wasn’t always sleek interfaces. In this visual tour through history, trace the very earliest examples of what we today take for granted, from the first website to use surround sound to the first ‘upload-your-face’ function and YouTube-like page. Complete with year-by-year factsheets, Google insights, and commentary from the creators themselves.

어도비에서 플래시 지원 중단을 공표한 이후로 플래시 관련 서비스는 심각한 위기를 맞게 되었습니다. 이 때문인지 FWA도 최근 사이트 공개 매각을 진행합니다. 참고 : 어도비 플래시 플레이어 지원 종료


After 21 years of running FWA every single day, Rob Ford (FWA Founder & Owner) is retiring to spend more time outside and with his family. Please help us find a new owner for FWA to take the project forward and to achieve new heights.